Rocket Home Pig

We rethought the classic piggy bank. Instead of a slot for coins — a light indicator. As before, you will find out how much you saved by breaking the piggy bank. You can do this via the Rocket application. Home Pig will not suffer

Idea and design: Nikita Vasilevskiy
3d: Roman Ivanyuchenko
App designers: Dmitriy Sedov, Evgeniy Filatov
3d: Roman Ivanyuchenko
App designers: Dmitriy Sedov, Evgeniy Filatov
Hardware engineer: Mikhail Petrov
Software engineers: Boris Guschin, Sergey Pustovalov
Project manager Maria Bubnova
Software engineers: Boris Guschin, Sergey Pustovalov
Project manager Maria Bubnova
Sound production: Konstantin Chubakov
App developer: Andrew Makarov
Production manager: Moby Liu
App developer: Andrew Makarov
Production manager: Moby Liu